in 1996
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TrainersVault application connects Users and Trainers. Users can search, book events and pay online. Trainers can create workout sessions which include Cardio, Weight Loss, Yoga, Pilates, Endurance, etc. The user can select the workout as per their need. The user can comment and write reviews about the booked event.
Frontend: AJAX, CSS, HTML, HTML 5, JavaScript.
Backend: ROR, PostgreSQL, Twitter Bootstrap.
Payment Gateway: Stripe.
Third Party Components: Facebook API, Google Maps.
Ruby gems: devise, include, carmen-rails, pg, rollbar, omniauth-facebook, stripe, instagram2.
Rails version: Rails 4.0.9.
Ruby version: Ruby 2.0.0.
Versioning: Git.
Configuration: Unicorn / Nginx.
Hosting: Engine Yard.
Project management tool: Trello.
Key Highlight (s)
There are three types of sessions:
i) Private sessions: These are one to one sessions where the user can train privately with a trainer.
ii) Bootcamp sessions: These are sessions in which multiple users can join the sessions and train together. Although each session has a limit to the number of users.
iii) online sessions: These are online sessions in which the user can join the session and then train through the videos and other documents attached by the trainer.
Role Features:
Admin Manage users and trainers, tracking support, suspend users.
Normal user Manage user profiles, book events and choose the favourite style of workout.